*If seats are available on the day, registration can be accepted.
3-FJan.29 (Wed.) 15:30-16:10
Introduction of activities in the EU space industry, services offered by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, and Space Business mission participants.
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Executive Advisor to the EU-side Managing Director
Fabrizio MURA
3-GJan.30 (Thu.) 10:30-11:30
I will talk about the latest developments in the space industry in Japan and overseas, including the trends in space development and utilization being promoted by JAXA under the collaborations with private companies.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Strategic Planning and Management Department
3-IJan.30 (Thu.) 12:30-13:10
France's space sector is going from strength to strength. CNES, the national space agency, is leading innovative programmes in all areas: launchers, exploration, Earth observation. The French industry, for its part, is booming, with a large number of start-ups created in recent years and strong support from the French government.
Centre national d'études spatiales
Space Counsellor & CNES Representative, Embassy of France
Julien Mariez
3-LJan.30 (Thu.) 15:30-16:10
Japan Space Forum
The Satellite Design Contest
Satellite Design Contest Executive Committee Secretary (e.g. of a board of directors)
Dr. Yasuyuki Miyazaki
3-NJan.31 (Fri.) 11:30-12:10
The space industry in Czechia is rapidly developing in European and global projects, and we would like to introduce various business possibilities between Japan and Czechia.
Business and Investment Development Agency of the Czech Republic
Director for Japan
3-PJan.31 (Fri.) 13:30-14:10
This presentation will introduce the application of MBSE, AI, and CAE in development processes, featuring case studies from the automotive industry.
Cybernet Systems Co., Ltd.
Senior General Manager Engineering Div. Digital Engineering Business Unit
Hiroshi Otsubo