
Please apply by e-mail (j-event@media.nikkan.co.jp) for attending the Forum and Summit.
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English and Japanese Simultaneous

Date June.15(wed.)10:30〜12:30 Venue Reception Hall B, Conference Tower 1F,
Tokyo Big Sight
Capacity 500 seats

Organized by : Spainbusiness / Invest in Spain

Program and speakers (Provisional)

H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Navarro
Ambassador of Spain to Japan
Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe
Executive Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Present situation of Smart Projects in Spain
Mr. Rafael Coloma Aramburu
Economic and Commercial Counsellor
Head of the Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain
Malaga's steps towards the Smart City
Mr. Alfonso Palacios Carrasco
Head Officer of the Municipal Energy Agency of Málaga
NEDO's Smart Community experimental project in Spain
Mr. Toshihiro Shimazak
Mitsubishi Infrastructures project dept., Smart Community Development Manageri
Mr. Jorge Sanchez
Endesa Directori
Mr. Angel David Garcia Barrio
Telefonica S.A., Head of Strategy and Alliance Global M2M

日時 June.16(Thu.)10:00〜15:45
Venue International Conference Room,
Conference Tower 7F,
Tokyo Big Sight
Capacity 1000 seats

Organized by : New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO) / Japan Smart Community Alliance(JSCA)
Co-organized by : Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd.
Supported by : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Special Lecture
Robust Smart Grid with Resiliency against Natural Disasters
Dr. Kenji IBA
Professor of Meisei University of Electrical Engineering
Main Program
First Session Introduction of necessity and advanced approach of Smart Grid

Innovation for social infrastructure in the World
- Hitachi's Smart City concept and solutions -
Environment, energy and resource problemsbecome more serious today. In order to solve them, there are worldwide needs for next generation social infrastructure. Hitachi introduces its Smart City projects and advanced technologies in this presentation.
Mr. Yutaka Saitoh
Vice President and Executive Officer
President & CEO, Information & Control Systems Company
Deputy General Manager, Smart City Business Management Division
Real. Smart. Solutions. Smart Grid 2.0
Many Smart Grid projects have been conducted as pilot but are now under implementation stage. Recently many natural disasters influence on Smart Grid applications. The speaker talks about these up-to-date of Smart Grid.
Dr. Hiroshi Suzuki
GE Energy Japan Representative Director

Second Session Business strategy as a standardization tool

Real Smart Grid Projects and Standardization Activities from the Business Point of View
- Standardization、a tool of Smart Grid Biz? -
From the practical & business point of view, expectation to standardization activity is presented.  Several activities by Toshiba and all Japan may be introduced.
Dr. Hideki Hayashi,
General Manager –Smart Grid Technology
Transmission & Distribution Systems Div.,
Toshiba Corporation
Panasonic's energy management system concept and standardization activities
Mr. Tatsuya Shimoji
Panasonic Corporation Standardization & Collaboration
Center Director

Third Session Support for overseas investment

In this forum the problems relating to advance into the overseas Smart Grid markets will be analyzed and the scheme to develop effective overseas advancement will be introduced. Moreover, several companies will present their know-how of expanding Smart Grid business in overseas.

Mr. Yoshimasa Kudo
Chief Specialist
Toshiba Corporation
Mr. Yohei Matsuda
Deputy Director Information
Economy Division
Commerce and Information
Policy Bureau Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry
Mr. Daisuke Miyabe
Division Chief, Division1,
Asia and Oceania Finance Department
Mr. Fumio Nohara
Executive Officer Principal,
M&E Engineering Department
Nikken Sekkei LTD.
Mr. Hiroya Ono
Deputy General Manager
Corporate Development Department, ITOCHU Corporation

Fourth Session For Standardization of Smart Community

Regularized Smart Community - Next Step Following Actual Proof -
Mr. Kenta Iida
Director, Smart Community Policy Office Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Energy and the Future of the Japanese Economy
Mr. Robert Alan Feldman
Director of Economic Research Department
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.
